We specialize in
Your story MATTERS. No matter what industry you’re in, you’re probably already working in a crowded marketplace. Other companies both locally and overseas are offering competing products and services, maybe even with similar attributes, and possibly even at a lower price.
It’s your story that sets you apart.
Our services
Your blog is what’s going to keep people coming back to your website over and over again. It’s a great way to share important information, answer questions that your clients are asking, and offer perspective on the important news of the day.
So why have you let yours lapse?
The answer is probably because you’re too busy or too nervous, or a combination of the two. That’s okay! Save your time and headaches and hire an experienced writer who knows how to write informative, engaging copy. Instead, spend your time doing the lucrative client work all while you’re outsourcing important copy that helps bring people through the door.
Whether you’re looking at 1, 2, 3, or even 4 posts a month, The Write Stuff Agency is here to craft original, informative, and enjoyable content that keeps your customers and clients engaged, and keeps them coming back to you.
Website Writing
If you think website writing is simple, you’ve probably never paid attention to a bad one.
It can be hard to talk about yourself, and hard to put yourself in your client’s shoes! So many small business owners spend so much time tweaking what they want to be the ‘perfect’ website that they never even get that first version online!
If your website isn’t there at all, you’re making it a LOT harder for people to find you. If your website is there but it’s written badly, or missing huge pieces, it’s not benefitting your business in the way that you think that it is.
We write the websites that our clients’ clients need to read. We focus on what’s important – sharing crucial information in a way that’s easy to understand, and easy to remember. At the end of the day, we help ensure that your potential clients know who you are, what you do, and how and when you can help.
Every halfhearted newsletter is a lost opportunity.
Newsletters aren’t always known for being fun and sexy and exciting, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be. When someone signs up for your newsletter, that’s their way of telling you that they’re interested in hearing from you and receiving your updates on a regular basis.
Why on Earth would you ever want to let them down?
You never know what’s going to move someone to reach out to you by sending that email or picking up that phone. They might read 4 newsletters that don’t pertain to them that day, but the one on that fifth month is so perfectly timed, and so appropriate for them that you’ve almost assured yourself a new client.
Have some fun with your newsletters. Your business is always changing – let’s make sure that people know what you’re up to!
When your company grows before your eyes, it’s hard to recognize how quickly things have changed and how much the team has grown.
The trouble – your new hires weren’t there with you in the trenches one, two, or even five years ago. They don’t have the same knowledge of company history, or that same appreciation for the company processes that you’ve carefully crafted.
How can they when all of that process – that sales process, that marketing process etc. – all lives in your head?
Get it out of your head and get it on paper. Working with a writer can involve doing a significant data dump to create a record out of everything you would love your new hires to know, and then compiling that information in a way that’s easily accessible and engaging.
Imagine cutting down the ramp time of new hires because they were able to get up-to-speed quickly and easily in a way that didn’t put them to sleep? That’s what The Write Stuff Agency is here for.
Already started writing and you want to keep going, but you need a second set of eyes?
We’ve edited everything from articles and websites and sales catalogues, to theses and white papers and manuscripts. The goal of great editing is to be able to say it better, but still in a way that it sounds like your voice.
All editing projects look different, and the scope of the work can vary depending on the current state of your project and what you’re looking to achieve.
Contact us today for a free custom quote.
Finding that your team is having trouble communicating? Are clients getting lost in the sales process because they simply can’t follow the bouncing ball?
It may be time to bring in some training on clear communications.
We’ve led various workshops on clear communications, writing, blogging, storytelling, and other needs that our clients tell us their facing. The moment that your clients start getting lost, everything you do after that is like swimming against a strong current.
Don’t let a lack of clarity become what kills the deal. We’ll work with your team to facilitate workshops that explain the importance of clear communication, and how storytelling can help make both you and your business more relatable and endearing.
Have a unique writing project that you want to tackle but have no idea where to start?
Let’s chat about it! Maybe it’s something we’ve done before, or maybe it’s something for collaboration. Perhaps it’s a project for another writer within our referral network and we can gladly assist with an introduction!
In any event, let’s start with a conversation to unpack your ideas and see where things go from there!

“It’s such a pleasure working with Shaun. He definitely has the right stuff for writing fantastic content! Legal information in a totally digestible form, imagine!?! His passion for writing and journalistic background (among other talents) couldn’t be a better fit for the valuable service he has provided my business!”
What’s Next?

The Write Stuff Agency
Oshawa, ON Canada