What Happens When The Clock Tiks?
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
We’re living in strange times.
10 years ago, the notion of Donald Trump as President of the United States was deemed as so outlandish, he was making appearances on Saturday Night Live and the Tonight Show as the butt of the joke. Now, after his initial four year term, he’s back in office once again and is not mincing words about his plans.
More interesting, though, is who’s coming with him this time. At the time of Trump’s first election, most social media platforms seemed to take a hard stand against many of his policies, or at least the way that he conducted himself publicly. Meta (Fa…

Goodbye internet?
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
Is the internet over?
I was just chatting with a very wise friend yesterday about the recently-announced changes to Meta. Fact checking on social media may quickly become a distant memory.
The very conversation was wild to me. I did my journalism training in the days before social media became an unofficial news source for the world. At the time, if you wanted your news you went to Twitter. However, you knew to official feeds from people who were actually in the room and could report in real time.
Today Twitter, now X, has largely morphed into Elon Musk’s social experiment, and has l…
![[Image: The words What Do People Think You Do with a question mark are written in an orange font on a black background with several post-it notes with question marks cut out of them, of varying colours, displayed on the right]](/wp-content/themes/yootheme/cache/ce/WHAT-DO-PEOPLE-THINK-YOU-DO-cee7af0b.png)
What do people think you do?
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
What do people think that you do for work?
How do people think that you help others? What do they understand about the services that you provide, or the skills that you have to offer?
It’s an interesting question, and one that professionals and business owners don’t think about nearly enough.
The truth is that we (usually) know what we do for work. We understand how we help people. We get our business, and then we wonder why people aren’t bursting down our door.
The reason is simple: they’re not in our heads!
A real world example
In my past life I was an employment lawyer…

Confessions of a professional blog writer
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
This is my first blog in far, far too long. More months than I am proud of for sure.
I make no excuses for it, but it’s always interesting to look back and ask why.
Why would I, a professional blogger, have allowed my own blog to lapse?
The truth is that I fell into the same trap that so many of my clients fall into as well.
I got busy.
At the start of the year, I set goals for the Write Stuff that seemed lofty even to me, but I dutifully wrote them on the whiteboard in my office and stare at them daily.
It’s September, and I’m on track to meet them if not exceed them this…